Braised Lamb Shanks with Roasted Garlic and Parmesan Mash - Stinco d'agnello con purè di patate all'aglio e parmigiano

Braised Lamb Shanks with Roasted Garlic and Parmesan Mash - Stinco d'agnello con purè di patate all'aglio e parmigiano

4.7 ( 346 évaluations )


Braised Lamb Shanks

  • 200 g red wine full-bodied Italian
  • 400 g tinned chopped tomatoes
  • 60 g balsamic vinegar
  • 50 g tomato purée
  • 100 g water
  • 1 beef stock cube (for 0.5 l) crumbled
    ou 1 heaped tsp beef stock paste, homemade
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 2 tsp dried oregano
  • 110 g onions quartered
  • 3 - 4 garlic cloves to taste
  • 150 g celery stalks cut in pieces
  • 150 g carrots cut in pieces
  • 40 g extra virgin olive oil plus extra for browning
  • 4 lamb shanks (approx. 400 g each)
  • 2 pinches fine sea salt
  • 2 pinches ground black pepper

Roasted Garlic and Parmesan Mash

  • 50 g Parmesan cheese cut in pieces (2 cm)
  • 1 garlic bulb
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 ½ tsp fine sea salt plus extra to taste
  • 1000 g floury potatoes peeled, sliced (5 mm)
  • 1 ½ tsp fine sea salt
  • 350 g milk
  • 50 g unsalted butter diced
  • ground black pepper to taste

Infos nut.
par 1 portion
1259 kcal / 5255 kJ
79 g
71 g
64 g

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